Message from the Chiefs
The UCSF Division of Rheumatology is dedicated to delivering outstanding patient care in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases in a premier academic environment.
At the core of our division is our fellowship program where trainees and faculty interact closely to make UCSF rheumatology a world leader in research and education. Our Division spans multiple sites including UCSF Medical Center, the San Francisco Veteran’s Affairs Medical Center, Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital, Mission Bay, and the UCSF Laurel Heights campus. Together we seek to foster an environment of discovery, innovation, excellence and collaboration within our program.
Our research activities span a wide range of disciplines, including basic research in immunology, genetics, epidemiology, outcomes and clinical informatics, and we are increasingly expanding our translational research activities, including clinical trials and other bench-to-bedside research. We receive substantial support for our research and training programs from the NIH and other funding sources, and our program also benefits from important philanthropic support. We have a long history of superb clinical scholars and clinician educators, and we have developed several sub-specialty clinics that provide expert care to patients with rare or difficult to treat rheumatic diseases and provide opportunities for translational and other novel research activities.
We hope you enjoy learning about our division.
Maria Dall’Era, MD
Chief, UCSF Health Division of Rheumatology
Gabby Schmajuk, MD, MSc
Chief, VA Medical Center
Jinoos Yazdany, MD, MPH
Chief, ZSFG
Julie Zikherman, MD
Associate Chief for Basic Research